2018-06-06 17:40:33   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(1.河南省辉纺纺织有限公司,河南 辉县  453600;2.湘潭大学,湖南 湘潭  411105)
中图分类号:TS103.82+3      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2018)02-0030-03
Scientific Precaution against the Influence of High Humidityand Optimization of the Surface Treatment of the Cots
LU Hongxing1,LU Pengfan2
(1.Henan Hui Ttextile Co.,Ltd.,Huixian 453600,China;2.Xiangtan University,Xiangtan 411105,China)
Abstract:To avoid the problems such as failure of surface coating or coating unevenness of rollers in high humidity,analysis draws a reason that in high humidity environment the roller surface needs to be handled with care and cautions are given herewith,analysis is done to the cause of antistatic properties declining and both the advantages and disadvantages of ultraviolet light treatment and coating treatment.Details description is given to the influence of roller treatment from coating properties,dew point temperature and relative humidity.Coatings stored at room temperature after roller treatment is suitable for curing,temperature rise due to the kinetic friction of rollers results in degeneration of antistatic agent,helps to improve the wear resistance of coatings and ultraviolet light treatment can be selected as preprocessor for its advantages.It is pointed out that the textile technology involves a wide range of application and completion of the cot surface treatment need more practice and more principles for a scientific solution.At the same time,we should combine production and research to speed up the process of intellectualization and automation of auxiliaries and accessories.
Key Words:cot;high humidity;relative humidity;dew point;antistatic;surface treatment; ultraviolet light;coating
[1] 荆越.关键纺纱器材[M].北京:中国纺织出版社,1997.
[2] 陈民权,张宗新,詹大栋.纺织厂空调工程[M].北京:中国纺织出版社,2001.
[3] 文皖.优化产品性能结构  提高纺纱适用技术[C]//“金轮·金猫杯”2016全国纺纱器材专件高峰论坛论文集.咸阳:全国纺织器材科技信息中心,2016:315-325.

相关热词搜索:胶辊 表面处理 科学


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