2017-01-19 16:17:31   来源:   评论:0 点击:

徐久益1,惠  晶1,傅锡林2
(1.江南大学 轻工过程先进控制教育部重点实验室,江苏 无锡  214122;
2.无锡市猫头鹰纺织器材有限公司,江苏 无锡  214101)
摘要:为了解决弹性针布磨针机磨头手动调距操作复杂、定位尺寸精密度低的问题,提出应用伺服电机调距的新型磨头位置自动控制系统,并介绍其结构、工作原理、硬件实现及软件设计方法。指出:该系统采用PLC作主控制器,伺服传动系统作执行驱动机构,通过PLC控制器与人机界面通信,实现了弹性针布与磨头间距的柔性化调整;新系统定位精度达到1 μm,并具有适应性强、操作简单、产品质量好等优点。
中图分类号:TS103.82+1      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)01-0011-04
Study of the Automatic Servo Control System of the Grinding Head
 Position on the Grinding Machine for Flexible Clothing
XU Jiuyi 1,HUI Jing 1,FU Xilin 2
(1.Key Laboratory of the Education Ministry on Advanced Process Control of Light Industry Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122,China;2.Wuxi Owl Textile Accessories Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214101,China)
Abstract:To solve the problem with the flexible clothing grinding machine such as compelx manual adjustment of the pitch of the head,poor positioning,a new automatic servo control system of grinding head position with motor pitch adjustment is introduced with the structure,work how and the hardware plus software.It is pointed out that the system uses PLC as the main controller,the servo drive mechanism as execution transmission system,through the PLC controller and the manmachine interface communication,the flexible adjustment of the pitch between the flexible clothing and grinding head.The new system is of precision positioning of 1 μm,high adaptability,simple operation,and high product quality.
Key Words:flexible clothing;grinding machine;PLC;servo;position control
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下一篇: 新型道夫和工作辊针布的设计探讨

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