2016-12-22 09:18:04   来源:   评论:0 点击:

徐  东
(陕西长岭纺织机电科技有限公司,陕西 宝鸡  721013)
中图分类号:TS101.91+2      文献标志码:C      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)06-0058-04
作者简介:徐  东(1981—),男,四川乐山人,工程师,主要从事信息化技术在纺织企业的开发与应用研究。
The Application of Mega Data in Yarn Laboratory
XU Dong
(Shaanxi Changling Textile Electromechanical Technology Co.,Ltd.,Baoji 721013,China)
Abstract:To improve the quality of the finished spun product,considering human error in data statistics and analysis resulting in instability of product quality,introduction is made to the advantages of mega data analysis in laboratory work.Sampling laboratory yarn as a breakthrough,the most potentials of the yarn quality testing instrument are found from the application background,environment,data model and data application and the application of mega data in the production of yarn is gained.It is pointed out that the application of mega data analysis in the laboratory makes the adjustment of spinning process parameters in quantitative mode in the database. Application of the data platform in textile industry controls processes and factors effectively in the long run,which are closely invovled with yarn quality,consequently avoiding quality fluctuation due to poor conmmunication and ensuring normal and stable production.
Key Words:mega data;testing instrument;yarn laboratory;data collection;quality control

相关热词搜索:纱线 实验室 数据


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