2016-12-21 19:18:57   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(无锡市兰翔胶业有限公司,江苏 无锡  214171)
中图分类号:TS103.82+3      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)S1-0029-06
The Influence of Cot Manufacturing and the After Processingon Yarn Quality
WEI Junhu
(Wuxi Lanxiang Plastic Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214171,China)
Abstract:To improve yarn quality,introduction is made to the rubber classification and the different characteristics.Discussion is made to the manufacturing process and formula preparation of the cot and apron.Highlight is given to the dispersity plastic material,surface roughness,surface treatment and other key manufacturing process control on yarn quality.It is pointed out that some traditional ideas must be renewed.It is also pointed out that optimization and control of roller compound dispersity,surface roughness,sharpening parameters and coating ratio plus the study of cots and apron application and manufacturing,the relationship between surface treatment and the yarn quality index are important in balancing the gripping force and drafting force and in improving yarn quality as a positive role.In the present diversified development situation with spinning varieties in process and spinning mode,cots manufacturing enterprises should be in conformity with the customers’ demand for R&D activities for the best performance of the cot,and provide first-class services for the textile enterprises.
Key Words:cots;manufacturing;gripping force;drafting force;dispersity;surface roughness; grinding;yarn quality
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相关热词搜索:胶辊 质量 成纱

上一篇:降低棉卷含杂率纺C 14.5 tex纱工艺初探

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