2016-07-26 23:02:21   来源:   评论:0 点击:

将6种不同混纺比例的牛角瓜纤维混纺纱织成纬平针织物,分别测试针织物的拉伸力学性能、保暖性、透气透湿性和耐磨性能,并对结果进行了对比分析,发现牛角瓜纤维 棉 涤纶混纺织物在拉伸
罗  艳1,吴  炜2,万贤福1,3,汪  军1,3
(1.东华大学 纺织学院,上海  201620;2.巴音郭楞蒙古自治州纤维检验所,新疆 巴音郭楞  841000;3.东华大学 纺织面料技术教育部重点实验室,上海  201620)
中图分类号:TS101.92+1      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)04-0035-03
作者简介:罗  艳(1990—),女,四川仁寿人,研究生,主要从事棉纺技术方面的研究。
The Properties Test and Analysis of Akund Knitting Blended Fabric
LUO Yan1,WU Wei2,WAN Xianfu1,3,WANG Jun1,3
(1.  Textiles College  Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China;2.Fiber Inspection Institute of Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture,Bayingol 841000,China; 3.Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology Ministry of Education Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract:Six kinds of Akund blended yarns in different blending ratio have been made into plain-knitted fabric,and then testing is done of the mechanical properties,warmth retention,air and moisture permeability,wear resistance of the fabrics.The results show that the Akund/cotton/polyester blended fabric is better than Akund/cotton blended fabric in tensile strength,air permeability and wear resistance,but is worse in warmth retention and moisture permeability when these two kinds of blended fabrics contain same ratio of Akund fibers.The analysis of the properties of Akund blended fabrics in different ratio show that when the Akund blended fabric has excellent tensile strength and wear resistance with the Akund fiber content of 30%,which is applicable for knitted socks production.The property of tensile strength and wear resistance is getting lower,but the warmth retention is getting better with the blended fabric content of 40% Akund fibers,which can be used for knitted warmed underwear production.When the Akund blended fabric contains 50% Akund fibers,some improvement is needed in mechanical properties and wear resistance to meet the requirements of the fabric properties and durability.
Key Words:Akund fiber;blended knitted fabric;fabric properties;tensile strength CV; mechanical property;warmth retention;wear resistance
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相关热词搜索:牛角瓜 混纺 测试


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