2015-08-03 08:51:12   来源:   评论:0 点击:

谈  叡,田克勤
(经纬纺织机械股份有限公司 榆次分公司,山西 晋中  030601)
中图分类号:TS103.11+7    文献标志码:B    文章编号:1001-9634(2015)04-0019-03
作者简介:谈  叡(1980—),女,太原人,工程师,主要从事纺织机械设计工作。
Automatic Cotton Blowing Technology with Negative Pressure System
on the Spinning Frame
TAN Rui,TIAN Keqin
(Jingwei Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd.Yuci Branch,Jinzhong 030601,China)
Abstract:As to the disadvantages of artificial cotton blowing,the automatic cotton blowing technology with negative pressure system is described.The structural model is established for the automatic cotton blowing system with negative pressure on the spinning frame considering the factors including the mesh structure analysis,selection of stripping mechanism and the motion parts and the establishment of atmospheric area.It is pointed out that the negative pressure system is an indispensable part in the process of spinning,the circumferential strainer design can keep constant negative pressure of the flute.The initial negative pressure can be adjusted low for less power consumption.Comparison with the artificial blowing process,the actual energy consumption of the automatic product is reduced by 15%.The cotton stripping actions are automatically completed,effectively reducing the labor intensity with labor saving 5%.The automatic blowing technology can ensure yarn quality, further reinforcing the automation of the spinning frame.
Key Words:spinning frame;negative pressure system;automatic blowing;end breakage;fan;pressure fluctuation
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