2023-07-06 16:14:08   来源:   评论:0 点击:


荣  慧,卫 
(百隆东方股份有限公司,浙江 宁波  315202)
中图分类号:TS104.1            文献标志码:B           文章编号:1001-9634(2023)03-0046-03
作者简介:荣  慧(1982—),女,山东曹县人,工程师,主要从事色纺纱开发等方面的工作。
The Factors Influencing the Quality of Segment Colored Yarn and Solutions
(Bros Eastern Co.,Ltd.,Ningbo 315202,China)
Abstract:In order to ensure the production quality and style of segment colored yarn,the influence factors of segment colored yarn production using drawing type in spinning process are analyzed.The solutions are put forward from the aspects including gauge adjustment,spinning drawing zone adjustment,middle flared mouth position fixing and standardization of production operation,and the application of electronic color matching technology in segment colored yarn production are expounded in detail.It is pointed out that the realization of segment colored yarn style is affected by spinning accessories and parts,as well as technology,especially the spindle difference,process consistency and the rationality of segment colored yarn specification design.The three-roller gauge,cradle gauge and yarn drawing zone are adjusted,the middle flared mouth position is fixed,and the production operation is standardized,which can ensure the reproducibility of segment colored yarn style and the stability of mass production.The new segment colored yarn is a comprehensive application of machine parameter selection,segment color  process design and electronic software and other technologies.With making good use of electronic color matching technology,the organic unity of color and process of segment colored yarn can be realized,so that the fabric shows the kaleidoscope of novelty.
Key Words:segment colored yarn;colored spun yarn;style;reproducibility;spindle difference;spinning accessories;parts;gauge;flared mouth
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相关热词搜索:段彩纱 色纺纱 风格


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