2023-07-06 16:11:28   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(泰山学院 艺术学院,山东 泰安  271000)
中图分类号:TS106.41            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)03-0049-04
Analysis of Factors Influencing the Style of Three-core Stretch Yarn Denim Fabric
HOU Xiaowei
(Art College,Taishan University,Taian 271000,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the quality of three-core stretch yarn denim,the existing problems,the modification methods,the problems existing in the modified equipment and the solutions of the traditional three-core stretch yarn device,are described in detail.The coating test is carried out through different tension effects,and the reasons for the leakage of three-core yarn filament are analyzed according to the coating effect,and the rectification methods are proposed.Taking three different core-spun yarn varieties with uneven width as examples,the causes of abnormal spandex filament breaking,spandex filament splitting and filament drafting ratio are determined by data analysis,microscope observation and yarn stripping analysis,and the solutions are expounded.It is pointed out that the control of three-core yarn leakage should ensure the smooth and uniform unwinding tension of filament and no resistance,and the up-down tension device can be used to improve the problem of filament leakage.It is necessary to strengthen the inspection and check on the circuit to avoid wrinkling or loss of elasticity caused by no filament,filament breaking,filament splitting and other problems.We should find out the relevant factors affecting the drafting ratio of spandex in time,to avoid the winding of roller,improve the production efficiency of three-core yarn and yarn and fabric quality.
Key Words:three-core stretch yarn;denim;fabric style;equipment modification;filament leaking;uneven width;filament breaking;filament splitting;filament drafting ratio

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相关热词搜索:三芯弹力纱 牛仔 织物风格


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