2016-01-25 15:20:18   来源:   评论:0 点击:

杜  鹏
(绍兴市水富纺织器材有限公司,浙江 绍兴  312071)
中图分类号:TS103.82+4    文献标志码:B    文章编号:1001-9634(2016)01-0037-03
作者简介:杜  鹏(1956—),男,陕西咸阳人,工程师,主要从事钢筘表面处理技术方面的研究。
Probing into the Manufacturing Precision,Wear Resistance and
Energy Saving with the Reeds of Air-jet Looms

DU Peng
(Shaoxing Shuifu Textile Accessories Co.,Ltd.,Shaoxing 312071,China)
Abstract:In order to meet the requirement of the air-jet loom characterized as intelligent,efficient,and energy saving in speed,width,weft insertion rate and other specifications.Analysis is done to the impact on the material and the material conformity of the profiled reeds,and the assemblying process on the manufacturing precision.Introduction is made to measures involved in improving the wear resistance and energy saving of the profiled reeds.It is pointed out through the use of high precision punch and die including reeds straightening and polishing,plus the use of varieties of surface treatment technology making reinforced profiled reed tooth in conjunction with the  precise control of reed tooth gap with “loose binding” process,consequently improving profiled reeds manufacturing precision,wear resistance and the effect of energy saving.
Key Words:air-jet loom;profiled reed;reed blade;reed tooth;air tank;precision;wear resistance;energy saving
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相关热词搜索:喷气织机 耐磨性 异形筘


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