2013-02-27 09:57:20   来源:   评论:0 点击:

杨宏君1,秋黎凤2(1.河南豫北纺织有限公司,河南 安阳 455005;2.全国纺织器材科技信息中心,陕西 咸阳 712000)摘要:为了降低能耗,以4...
(1.河南豫北纺织有限公司,河南 安阳  455005;2.全国纺织器材科技信息中心,陕西 咸阳  712000)
中图分类号:TS103.1;103.8    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1001-9634(2011)01-0052-04
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Our Tentative Approach into Energy Economy of the Ring Frame
YANG Hong-jun1,QIU Li-feng2
 (1.Hennan Yubei Tex-corporation,Anyang 455005,China;
2.National Sci-tech Information Center of Textile Accessories,Xianyang 712000,China)
Abstract:With the ring frame with 420 spindles illustrated as the example of energy economy,highlight is given to the ring frame regarding the energy consumption such as lubrication of the main motor,gearing mechanism,cotton fiber suction motor,draft and winding mechanism.Approach is done into the work-how of energy economy of the lubrication oil with Nano-technology including its advantages.Some pieces of suggestion are  put forth for energy economy as the following:substituting the motor with rare earthed permanent-magnet for the triple-phase asynchronous motor with power economy of 5%~8%.The draft mechanism cal also be modified for better energy economy.There is marked room for energy consumtion reduction and cost reduction with the winding system modification and parts replacement.Lubrication oil with nano-technology helps lubrication with less abrasion.
Key Words:ring frame;energy economy;motor with rare earthed permanent-magnet;gearing;draft;winding and twisting;lubrication;energy economy spindle tape;hi-speed spindle;nano-lubrication oil;energy economy and abrasion reduction

相关热词搜索:浅谈 细纱机 节能


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