2015-03-05 09:53:42   来源:   评论:0 点击:

孙   鹏
(金轮科创股份有限公司,江苏 南通  226009)
摘要:为了做好高产梳棉机配套针布选型工作,分析了锡林—盖板、锡林—固定盖板两个梳理区的梳理作用及高产梳棉机配套针布选型的原则;结合原料质量、梳棉机产量、梳理工艺及成纱与梳理质量的要求,以山东、广东两企业BC05型、DK803型高产梳棉机,配套各梳理部件用针布的AFIS  PRO2试验数据对比,说明了针布选型与高产梳理机提高产质量密不可分。
关  键  词:梳棉机;高速;高产;梳理作用;针布;配套;工艺效果
中图分类号:TS103.82+1      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2014)03-0019-05
The Performance of the High-Production Card and Allied Card Clothing Research
SUN Peng
(GERON CO.,LTD .,Nantong 226009,China)
Abstract:In order to do good job in selection of the supporting card clothing for the high-production card,analysis is done to the carding performance in the cylinderflexible flat area and cylinder-stationary flat area and the selection guidance of the allied card clothing.Considering the material quality,yield of card and carding process and the finished yarn on the carding quality,comparative data of AFIS PRO2 of the allied card clothing in the cards BC05 and DK803 as sampled in the enteprises both in Shandong and Guangdong provinces,proves that the selection of the card clothing is closely dependable upon the production and quality of products.
Key Words: card; high speed; high production; carding performance; card clothing; supporting; process effect
作者简介:孙  鹏(1981—),男,河北卢龙人,工程师,主要从事纺织梳理器材新产品开发。
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相关热词搜索:梳棉机 梳理作用 针布


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