2022-08-31 11:03:42   来源:   评论:0 点击:


徐   旻1,龚国符2
(1.中国企业管理无锡培训中心;2.无锡市纺织工程学会:江苏 无锡    214000)
中图分类号:TS108.6+1            文献标志码:C            文章编号:1001-9634(2022)03-0058-04
作者简介:徐   旻(1964—),男,江苏无锡人,研究员级高级工程师,主要从事企业管理、纺织技术管理方面的研究。
Control and Management of Air Environment in Cotton Textile Production
XU Min1,GONG Guofu1  
(1.China Enterprise Management Wuxi Training Center;
2.Wuxi Textile Engineering Society:Wuxi 214000,China)
Abstract:In order to meet the requirements of cotton textile enterprises for production environment and product quality,the development of air environment control technology in cotton textile production is reviewed,and the relationship between temperature and humidity,and fiber properties and production processes is analyzed.The influence of temperature and humidity in each process on production and its control method are described in detail.It is pointed out that the“five degrees”of air environment affects the quality of products and the physical and mental health of workers.Temperature and humidity are closely related to fiber properties especially moisture regain.Enterprises should do a good job in the design and configuration of workshop air environment facilities and equipment,and strengthen daily control and management,so as to improve product spinnability and quality stability.
Key Words:cotton textile;air environment;temperature;relative humidity;five degrees;moisture regain
[1] 上海纺织控股(集团)公司,棉纺手册(第三版)编委会.棉纺手册[M] .3版.北京:中国纺织出版社,2004:1106-1112.
[2] 纺织厂空气调节编写组.纺织厂空气调节[M] .北京:纺织工业出版社,1980:6-15.
[3] 徐旻.回潮率控制与成纱质量的关系[J] .棉纺织技术,2015,43(8):45-49.
[4] 徐旻.棉纺企业节能降耗问题的讨论[J] .棉纺织技术,2015,43(5):1-4.

相关热词搜索:棉纺织 空气环境 温度

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