2021-08-20 14:35:17   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(中国纱线网,杭州  311203)
中图分类号:TS103.12+4           文献标志码:B          文章编号:1001-9634(2021)01-0057-04
Parameters Setting of Alarm System of the Electronic Clearer ZENIT
WANG Xueyuan

(Chinayarn.com,Hangzhou 311203,China)
Abstract:In order to reduce the fluctuation of yarn quality and improve the production efficiency of automatic winder,the types and disposal methods of textile alarm and process alarm monitoring function of the electronic cleaner ZENIT are discussed.The setting path and setting method of each technical parameter of the electronic cleaner ZENIT alarm system are analyzed in detail,especially the setting method of alarm content under the test mode and the alarm setting method when yarn defect occurs repeatedly.It is pointed out that the textile enterprises should strengthen the research on the process parameters of electronic cleaner ZENIT,make full use of the function of the alarm system,and reasonably set the process parameters of electronic cleaner,which is of great significance to stabilize the product quality,reduce the yarn quality fluctuation,improve the production efficiency of auto-winding and improve the technical management level of enterprises.
Key Words:electronic cleaner;alarm system;textile alarm;process alarm;setting path;process parameters

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相关热词搜索:电子清纱器 报警系统

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