2020-07-07 11:25:59   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(经纬智能纺织机械有限公司,山西 晋中  030601)
中图分类号:TS103.8    文献标志码:B    文章编号:1001-9634(2020)03-0045-02
Development of EPS Foam Packing Technology for the Centre Wallboard of Cotton Ring Spinning Frame
ZHANG Zhenhuan
(Jingwei Intelligent Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Jinzhong 030601,China)
Abstract:In order to solve the problems of heavy weight,large shape,many edges and corners,and complex shape of the centre wallboard of cotton ring spinning frame,when it is placed upside down in the transport packing box,the assembly accuracy will be affected by impact and collision,it is causing quality damage,high installation labor intensity and other problems.Through optimizing the EPS foam board and adopting the divided structure of the base and the top cover,the parts are changed to the upward position,and the three parts are combined with the package,so as to develop the foam packing technology for the centre wallboard.The practice shows that the application of EPS foam packing technology for the centre wallboard of cotton ring spinning frame will not cause collision and collapse in transportation,and no need to reverse during installation,and the packing cost of each long spinning frame can be reduced by 54 thousand yuan per year,which has significant benefits.The application of the packing method can ensure the quality of integral-type centre wallboard and indirectly guarantee the assembly quality of spinning frame,and can provide advanced experience for the packaging,packing and transportation of large and complex mechanical parts.
Key Words:cotton ring spinning frame;centre wallboard;EPS;packing;benefit; placed upside down;quality damage;box bottom plate
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