2017-03-06 15:31:05   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(无锡诚本纺机有限公司,江苏 无锡  214142)
摘要:为了研究假捻器对粗纱质量和粗纱机生产效率的影响,介绍真捻和假捻的纺纱原理及假捻理论在现代粗纱机上的应用;分析粗纱在假捻器上的受力情况,说明粗纱张力、假捻器的材料、结构尺寸和形状等是影响假捻器假捻效果的主要因素。重点探讨假捻器与粗纱质量问题,分析假捻器与粗纱1 cm~2 cm机械波,前、后排粗纱伸长率,粗纱冒纱,粗纱毛羽,粗纱捻度不匀,粗纱通道直径等的辨证关系;分析了假捻器的两种失效形式。指出:在现代棉纺粗纱机机型及假捻器已确定的情况下,增大卷绕张力是提高假捻效果的重要方法,大张力纺纱的目的即为提高假捻效果;粗纱机配置高效假捻器,可增加纺纱段假捻度,缩小纺纱三角区,减少意外伸长,提高粗纱条干均匀度,减少粗纱毛羽;粗纱1 cm~2 cm机械波、粗纱捻度不匀及粗纱通道直径的大小均与假捻器无关。
中图分类号:TS103.11+5      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)02-0041-06
Probing into the Relationship between the False Twister and Roving Quality
YUAN Jingshan
(Wuxi Chengben Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214142,China)
AbstractTo find the effect of the false twister on roving quality and the production efficiency of the roving frame,introduction is done to the spinning theories of both the real twist and the false twist applicable in the modern roving frame.Analysis is done to the pressure on the roving yarn on the false twister.It proves that main factors involved with false twisting effect include roving tension;materials,size and profile of the false twister.Analysis is done to the relationship between the false twister and the roving mechanical wave with longth of 1 cm ~ 2 cm,the elongation rate of the roving yarn both in the front and the rear rows,roving halching,roving hairiness,irregularities of roving twist,diameter of the roving passage.Analysis is done to the false twister regarding its two failure forms.It is pointed out that an important means to improve false twist effect for the modern roving frame with selected false wister is to increase the winding tension.Spinning with big tension is to improve the false twist effect.Configuration of the roving frame with good false twister increases twist in the spinning section,and decreases the spinning triangle,avoiding accidental elongation,consequently improving roving evenness and reducing roving hairiness.Roving mechanical wave of 1 cm~2 cm,irregularities of twist,size of the diameter of the roving passage are independent from the false twister.
Key Wordsroving;real twist;false twist;false twister;flyer;friction coefficient;quality;yarn tension;mechanical wave;elongation
网络出版时间:2016-10-08 09:30
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相关热词搜索:粗纱 真捻 假捻 假捻器

上一篇:优化清梳联工艺,提升C 9.72 tex成纱质量

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