2016-12-21 19:09:24   来源:   评论:0 点击:

刘  佳,黄  博,安少元,颉向宁
(陕西长岭纺织机电科技有限公司,陕西 宝鸡  721013)
中图分类号:TS103.6      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)S1-0051-03
作者简介:刘  佳(1983—),女,山东枣庄人,助理工程师,主要研究产品结构外观造型设计。
The Present Situation and Development of the IndustrialDesign of Domestic Textile Testing Instruments
LIU Jia,HUANG Bo,AN Shaoyuan,JIE Xiangning
(Shaanxi Changling Textile Mechtronical Technology Co.,Ltd.,Baoji 721013,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the market competitiveness of the domestic textile testing instruments,through the elaboration of its present market competition situation,starting with the concept of industrial design,analysis is done to the industrial design of the present situation and the rank of the domestic textile instruments.It is pointed out that the modern industrial design includes not only appearance,structure design,but also product research,scheme,brand strategy,forming a comprehensive system of values.It is more than a design in scientific and reasonable way in shape,structure,and function but also an artistic beauty.Textile equipment manufacturing enterprises should attach great importance to the industrial design as one of the soft technology innovation,reinforcing independent research and manufacture of high-end products.
Key Words:industrial design;textile testing instruments;soft innovation;OEM model;gap

相关热词搜索:测试仪器 工业设计 现状


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