2015-07-14 10:01:34   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了研究开发T-400 棉环锭包芯纱,采用二次通用旋转设计的方法来优化其纺纱工艺参数,试验以纱线条干、毛羽和强力作为优化指标,得到纺纱捻系数、长丝预牵伸倍数和锭速的最佳参数;表明
Nicholus  Tayari  Akankwasa(高备) a,林黎浈a,张玉泽a,汪  a,b
(东华大学a.纺织学院;b.纺织面料技术教育部重点实验室,上海  201620)
中图分类号:TS104.1      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2014)05-0006-04
作者简介:高  备(1985—),男,乌干达共和国人,硕士研究生,主要从事纺纱新技术方面的研究。
The Process Specification Analysis of the Cotton Core-spun Yarn T-400 with Ring Spinning Frame
Nicholus Tayari Akankwasaa,LIN LizhenaZHANG Yuzea,WANG Juna,b
(a.Textile College Donghua University;b.the Key Laboratory of the Education Administration on Textile Material Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract:In order to do R&D on cotton core-spun yarn T-400,the spinning process is optimized with quadratic rotation design with mass,hairiness and yarn strength as the testing index, consequently optimization of the twisting factor,pre-draft multiply of the filament and the spindle speed.It proves that the optimized specifications are helpful in production.
Key Words:ring spinning;cotton core-spun yarn T-400;process specification;quadratic rotation design;quality of resultant yarn
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