2023-02-09 10:06:35   来源:   评论:0 点击:

针对精梳机工作4个阶段传统叙述不够详尽、难以理解的问题,在“分离接合说”的基础上,提出“接合分离说”,将4个阶段重新定义并划分为:34 3分度~3 7分度锡林梳理阶段,3 7分度~16 5分

(吴忠德悦纺织科技有限公司,宁夏 吴忠  751100)
中图分类号:TS103.22+3            文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2022)06-0048-04
Discussion on Lapping and Detaching of the Four Stages of Comber
CHEN Hongkui

(Wuzhong Deyue Textile Technology Co.,Ltd.,Wuzhong 751100,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the traditional description of the four stages of comber work is not detailed enough and difficult to understand,the“lapping and detaching theory” is proposed on the basis of the “detaching and lapping theory”,and the four stages are redefined and divided into as follows:34.3 degree~3.7 degree,as cylinder combing stage,3.7 degree~16.5 degree,as pre-lapping preparation stage,16.5 degree~24.0 degree,as lapping and detaching and top comb combing stage,24.0 degree~34.3 degree,as pre-preparation stage for cylinder combing.Taking HC500 comber as an example,the motion state of main parts of comber in different stages is introduced.It is pointed out that in the second and third stage,the movement sequence of the parts is lapping and detaching,and the lapping and detaching stage is advanced to the final position of the reverse of the rear separation roller,that is 16.5 degrees.In 16.5 to 18.0 degrees,the detaching roller is turning forward for tensioning and stretching the fiber,and the material combing is not carried out,but the preparation for the subsequent detaching of the fiber;“lapping and detaching theory”makes the division of the working stage of the comber more accurate,solves the problem of the sequence before and after the detaching and lapping,is more in line with the actual movement of each part of the comber,and is easy to be applied and understood.
Key Words:comber;stage of work;detaching and lapping theory;lapping and detaching theory;combing
[1] 郁崇文.纺纱学[M].2版.北京:中国纺织出版社,2014.

相关热词搜索:精梳机 工作阶段


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