2022-09-05 16:14:59   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(夏津仁和事业部 吴忠德悦纺织科技有限公司,宁夏 吴忠  751100)
摘要:为了减少成纱粗细节,了解具体纺纱理论并采取有效措施,提高成纱质量,从理论上分析牵伸力与握持力的影响因素,剖析粗节多、细节多以及粗细节均多产生的原因和解决措施,说明粗细节产生的实质是牵伸力和握持力不匹配,首次提出牵伸区的粗节多或者自动络筒机上的短粗节多,实质上也是一种牵伸不开的论断;通过7个纺纱实例,对采取更换上胶圈、增大后区牵伸倍数、采用拧纺等减少纺纱粗细节措施后的试验结果进行详细分析。生产实践表明:可使用粗细节变化幅度分析粗细节降低程度;通过对最敏感的-30%细节进行重点分析,认为-30%细节对成纱质量的影响很大;通过分析细节,提出-50%细节为零是衡量工艺合理性最佳点的创新观点;纺高于14.6 tex的粗号纱须重点控制粗节,纺低于14.6 tex的细号纱须重点控制细节。
中图分类号:TS101            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2022)03-0031-05
Theoretical Analysis and Practice of Reducing Nubs and Fine Ends of Yarn
CHEN Hongkui,FENG Yurong
(Wuzhong Deyue Textile Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xiajin Renhe Division,Wuzhong 751100,China)
Abstract:In order to reduce nubs and fine ends of yarn,specific spinning theory is learned about and effective measures are adopted to improve the yarn quality.The influence factors of drafting force and gripping strength are analyzed from theory,and the causes and solutions are analyzed for why there are too many nubs,fine ends,and both nubs and fine ends.It is showed that the essence of nubs and fine ends is the mismatch between drafting force and gripping strength.A judgment is proposed for the first time that there are too many nubs in drafting zone or too many short nubs in automatic winder, which is essentially failure drafting.Through seven spinning examples,the test results after adopting the measures such us changing the apron,increasing the draft ratio of the back zone and adopting twisting spinning to reduce nubs and fine ends in spinning are analyzed in detail.The production practice shows that the reduction degree of nubs and fine ends can be analyzed by using the variation amplitude of nubs and fine ends.By analyzing the most sensitive -30% fine ends,it is concluded that -30% fine ends has great influence on yarn quality.By analyzing fine ends,the innovative viewpoint that -50% fine ends is zero is the best point to measure the rationality of the process is put forward.We should focus on controlling the nubs for course yarn more than 14.6 tex,and focus on controlling fine ends for fine yarn less than 14.6 tex.
Key Words:nubs;fine ends;drafting force;gripping strength;critical drafting ratio;hard head;failure drafting;drafting gauge 
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相关热词搜索:粗节 细节 牵伸力 握持力


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