2019-07-16 11:56:12   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(石家庄常山恒新纺织有限公司,石家庄  050035)
中图分类号:TS103.82+3      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2019)03-0024-04
网络出版时间:2018-08-27 09:26
Manufacture and Application of Cots and Aprons
WEI Jiali
(Shijiazhuang Changshan Hengxin Textile Co.,Ltd.,Shijiazhuang 050035,China)
Abstract:In order to meet the demands of high-speed and automatic production for cotton spinning machine,introduction is made to the production process and quality requirements of alu-lined cots,cots with coarse ground double-layered tube and unground double layered tubes,and further analysis is done to the selection of grinding wheel for coarse grinding and finish grinding of cots and the effect of coating and ultraviolet light surface treatment of cots,and cautions are given in the selection of cots regarding hardness in combing process,drawing process and roving process,and the quality requirements,matters needing attention in selection and maintenance of aprons are described.Trial spinning with cots and aprons shows that the yarn quality can be guaranteed and the service life of cots and aprons can be prolonged in case of high-quality and efficient cots and apron selected with proper grinding and surface treatment processes and maintenance measures.The surface treatment combining coating and ultraviolet light can improve the spinning index and anti-static effect more significantly.Selection of cots with different hardness depends on different spinning process and spinning speed.Special attention should be paid to conformity of elasticity,hardness and thickness in selection of double draft aprons,and slightly greatness of the friction factor of the upper apron is prefererable to that of the lower apron,and the use of inner grained apron can improve the spinning effect.
Key Words:cots;aprons;hardness;elasticity;grinding;telescoping;yarn quality;maintaining
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