2017-12-06 17:07:32   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(1.西安工程大学 管理学院,西安  710048;2.浙江洁丽雅集团有限公司,浙江 诸暨  311800)
中图分类号:TS101.9      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)S1-0032-09
基金项目: 2013年陕西省软科学计划项目(2013 KRM07)
网络出版时间:2016-11-03 16:57
Research on Breakthrough of Innovation-driven Development ofTextile Industry in“Internet plus”Era
SHAO Jingfeng1,WANG Jinfu1,MA Chuangtao1,ZHANG Yuming2,SHEN Jianzhong2,GUO Yinghui2
(1.School of Management Xi’an Polytechnic University,Xi’an 710048,China;2.Zhejiang Grace Group Co.,Ltd.,Zhuji 311800,China)
Abstract:To obtain the specific path of collaborative innovation-driven development of textile industry,analysis is done to the new requirement of“Internet plus”on innovation-driven development of the textile industry and the current status.With the help of the synergetics theory,a system of innovation-driven development of textile industry is introduced.The modeling based on the innovation and development of the interaction mechanism is modeled from four aspects including subjective innovation,objective innovation,environment innovation and resources innovation.A collaborative innovation algorithm is put forward for the development of textile industry.On the basis of“the report on demands of production&marketing and forcast of development prospect of Chinese textile and garment industry 2014-2018”,together with the experimental simulation method,verification and simulation are done to the system of innovation-driven developemnt of Chinese textile industry.It is pointed out that“Internet plus”has new requirements on innovation-driven development of textile industry.Chinese textile industry should integrate innovation resources and build platform of science and technology service cloud for China textile industry,promoting effective docking for research and business.It is necessary to complete innovation enviornment to build a“textile industry innovation warning system”integrated with information exchange,science and technology resource sharing,achievements industrilization so to speed up innovation development of Chinese textile industry.
Key Words:Internet plus;textile industry;breakthrough;innovation-driven;modeling;subjective innovation;objective innovation;synergetic algorithm
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