2013-12-25 11:08:57   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了探讨重定量高效工艺下如何实现“优质、高产、高效”,分析了新形势下实施重定量高效工艺的创新思路。以纺R 9 8 tex纱为例,围绕粗纱的定量创新实践,优化细纱工艺配置和牵伸工艺参数
(武汉江南实业集团有限公司,武汉  430415) 
摘要:为了探讨重定量高效工艺下如何实现“优质、高产、高效”,分析了新形势下实施重定量高效工艺的创新思路。以纺R 9.8 tex纱为例,围绕粗纱的定量创新实践,优化细纱工艺配置和牵伸工艺参数,分析并解决重定量高效工艺在生产中存在的生活和质量问题。提出:高效工艺和传统工艺采用相同的工艺流程,但前纺和细纱生产格局发生了根本变化——前纺机台少,用工少、工作量小、消耗降低,细纱机台多,用工多、工作大,消耗增加;企业应结合自身条件进行实践和探索,积极研发有自主知识产权的新型高效工艺。
中图分类号:TS103.82  文献标志码:文章编号:1001-9634(2013)04-0036-04
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The Innovation Thoughtfulness on the High Efficiency Process with Heavy Ration

JI Wanping
(Wuhan Jiangnan Industrial Group Corporation,Wuhan 430415,China)
Abstract:In order to probe into the possibility of “quality,high-production,high-efficiency”with the high efficiency process with heavy ration,analysis is done to the innovation thoughtfulness on the high efficiency process with heavy ration under the new situation.Sampling the yarn R 9.8 tex.As to innovation practice of roving,optimization of spinning process configuration and the draft specifications,analysis is done to the problems in the carding area and the quality in the high efficiency process with heavy ration.Conclusion is made that although the high efficiency process with heavy ration has the same production flow with the conventional process,there are big differences between the preparatory process and the spinning process where as in the preparatory process,there are small number of equipments with less labor and light work in addition to low consumption of material whereas in the spinning process there is big number of equipments with more labor and heavy work in addition to the big consumption of material.Consequently,enterprises should act according to the situaton they are facing and try to find the new high efficiency process with their own proprietary intellectual property rights.
Key Words:high efficiency process with heavy ration;roving ration;draft multiply;top apron cradle with duo-pressure bar;roller gripping gauge;gauge of nipper jaws;cot;twist factor



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