2023-10-20 16:11:43   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(1.东营市宏远纺织有限公司,山东 东营  257500;2.陕西纺织器材研究所有限责任公司,陕西 咸阳  712000)
中图分类号:TS101.91+4          文献标志码:B           文章编号:1001-9634(2023)04-0045-04
Cause and Control of Occasional Yarn Defects
HU Zhenlong1,LU Libo2
(1.Dongying Hongyuan Textile Co.,Ltd.,Dongying 257500,China;
2.Shaanxi Research Institute of Textile Accessories Limited Company,Xianyang 712000,China)
Abstract:In order to effectively control occasional yarn defects and ensure yarn quality,the classification standard,causes and hazards of occasional yarn defects are introduced.Effective control measures to be taken in reasonable cotton assorting,each process configuration,equipment status,operation management and other aspects are analyzed in detail.It is expounded that the content of short fiber in raw materials should be controlled in cotton assorting.Fiber damage should be reduced to reduce the short fiber content in blowing process.High quality card clothing should be chosen to improve the quality of card sliver in carding process.We should keep the channel clean,the top comb and cylinder no damage,filter air volume,wind pressure of comber normal in combing process.Forward draft process should be adopted in drawing process.The generation of mechanical waves should be reduced and the management of air conditioning should be strengthened in spinning process.The sensitivity of electronic yarn cleaner should be adjusted reasonably in winding process.In operation and management,the cleaning should be in place and the method should be correct,and the bad anti-yarn defects should be avoided.It is pointed out that the control of occasional yarn defects is a systematic engineering.It is necessary to analyze the mechanism of yarn defects,establish a strict control system,strengthen fine management,optimize the process and replace new spinning accessories and parts so as to minimize yarn defects and ensure yarn quality.
Key Words:occasional yarn defects;neps;short fiber;card clothing;gauge;forward draft

相关热词搜索:偶发性纱疵 棉结 短绒 针布


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