2013-05-29 09:06:39   来源:   评论:0 点击:

张新文,翁 明,王军英(河南二纺机股份有限公司,河南 信阳 464000)摘要:为解决现有外锭钩锭子在纺纱过程中容易挂飞花、棉絮,给清理带...
 张新文,翁  明,王军英 
(河南二纺机股份有限公司,河南 信阳  464000)
关键词:锭子;外锭钩;内锭钩;铝套管;设计;棉絮;集体落纱;高速;加油周期中图分类号:TS103.81+1      文献标识码:B      文章编号: 1001-9634(2011)05-0015-03
 [7] 朱德昭.从锭子失效再论新一代棉纺高速锭子[J].纺织器材,2008,35(3增):29-36.   
The Structure Design of  and the Approach into the Spindle with the Inner Catch
ZHANG Xin-wen,WENG Ming,WANG Jun-ying
(Henan No.2 Tex-machinery Corporation,Xinyang 464000,China)
Abstract:In order to overcome the clearing limit due to the cotton wool and cotton fly produced in the process of the production with spindles with the outer catch,analysis is done to the exsisting spindle with the outer catch and a creation design of two kinds of the spindle with the inner catch comes into being.Highlight is given to the design theory,limit,structure and feature of the spindle with the inner catch.Conclusion is made that there are two kinds of the spindle catch.One is that the catch is telescoped on the catch base  and further telescoped on the bearing support,yet with poor precision and easy process and lower cost,the other is that the ctach is directly integrated with the bearing support with O-ring seal,yet with hard process and higher cost.The spindle with the inner catch is of free cotton wool and cotton fly,consequently economy of clearing work and extension of the oiling cycle,thus prolonging the service life of the spindle.
Key Words:spindle;outer catch;inner catch;alu-tube;design;cotton wool;group winding;high speed;oiling cycle



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