2013-05-28 17:58:34   来源:   评论:0 点击:

刘  霞1,秋黎凤2,熊  伟3,汪  军4,王照旭5,赵  阳5
(1.新疆溢达农业科技有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830054;2.《纺织器材》杂志社,陕西 咸阳  712000;3.新疆沃普农业发展有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830011;4.东华大学,上海  201620;5.新疆溢达纺织有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830054)      
中图分类号:TS101.9      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2011)05-0041-03
作者简介:刘  霞(1972—),女,湖北黄冈人,工程师,主要从事棉花分子生物学、棉花新品种、棉花新科技研究和棉纺新技术、棉纱新产品开发工作。      
[1] 周献珠,熊伟,孔庆平,等.工艺元件与偶发性纱疵间的关系[J].新疆纺织,2005(1):8-11.
[2] 操小燕.电子清纱器的应用与十万米纱疵[C]//第三届全国纺织新材料、新产品、新技术应用研讨会论文集,2004.
[3] 熊伟,徐志武,周献珠,等.纱疵与织物结构关系分析探讨[J].新疆纺织,2004(4):14-17.
[4] 熊伟,周献珠,赵阳,等.降低棉纱中细小纱疵的分析[C]//第一届自治区棉纺织行业中青年科技工作者经济技术论坛论文集,2005.
[5] 熊伟,方向正,随玉光,等.影响针织物棉纱疵点的原因分析探讨[C]//第一届自治区棉纺织行业中青年科技工作者经济技术论坛论文集,2005.
Approach into the Feature of the Small Fault with the Cotton Yarn of Count Varieties
LIU Xia1,QIU Li-feng2,XIONG Wei3,WANG Jun4,WANG Zhao-xu5,ZHAO Yang5
 (1.Xinjiang Yida Agricultural Tecnological Corporation,Urumchi 830054,China;2.The Journal Dept.Textile Accessories,Xianyang 712000,China;3.Xinjiang Wopu Agricultural Developing Corporation,Urumchi 830011,China;4.Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China;5.Xinjiang Yida Textile Corporation,Urumchi 830054)
Abstract:Under the same condition including blending,preparation process,spinning process and spinning flow,regarding the abnormal problem that the fault of the combed cotton yarn with small count is less than that with big count,and the fabric of yarn with small count is better,cause is found and discussed on small count.Practice experiment proves that there are problems such as improper setting in spinning process,draft element,some spinning data with the equipment.In the real production,caution should be made in cotton blending,modification of spinning process and management,control limit of small fault in varieties of count,the control norm of faults in clear and card combination as well as in combing process.
Key Words:small fault;count;limit;fault in hundred thousand meters;fabric surface quality

相关热词搜索:细小纱疵 号数 范围


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