2018-06-28 10:14:26   来源:   评论:0 点击:

李  冰,孙思薇
(陕西纺织器材研究所,陕西 咸阳  712000)
中图分类号:TS103.84      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2018)03-0004-04
作者简介:李  冰(1983—),女,甘肃天水人,高级工程师,主要从事高分子材料、胶粘剂等方面的研究工作。
Effect of Different Curing Agents on the Performance of the Reed Adhesive
LI Bing,SUN Siwei
(Shaanxi Research Institute of Textile Accessories,Xianyang 712000,China)
Abstract:To improve the performance and quality of reed adhesive,through adjustment of the molar ratio of active hydrogen in the curing agent and epoxy group in epoxy resin,and analysis of the tensile shear strength,impact strength,gelling time and hardness of the cured adhesive,probing is done into the effect of the structure and dosage of the curing agent on the performance of the reed adhesive.The results show that with the increase of the ratio of active hydrogen in the curing agent and epoxy group in epoxy resin,the tensile shear strength and the impact strength of the adhesive decreases before increases,and more,gelling are increased first and the gelling time shortens gradually,and the adhesive strength of the adhesive with the curing agent T-31 is the highest,the adhesive strength and bonding strength of the adhesive with the curing agent D-400 and 1618 are preferably accepted.The curing agent 5773 has fast curing rate but poor toughness, while the toughness of the adhesive with the curing agent 651 is moderate,lower in the tensile shear strength and longer in the curing time.The content and structure of curing agent have little effect on the hardness of cured epoxy resin system,and the hardness of Shore D is about 80 degrees.
Key Words:reed;adhesive;curing agent;tensile shear strength;impact strength;geling time; hardness
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相关热词搜索:固化剂 胶粘剂 性能


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