2018-11-21 18:03:42   来源:   评论:0 点击:

熊  伟1,周衡书2,刘常威2,唐星星2
(1.新疆沃普农业发展有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830011;2.湖南工程学院 纺织服装学院,湖南 湘潭  411104)
中图分类号:TS101.9      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2018)S1-0033-03
作者简介:熊  伟(1967—),男(白族),湖南张家界人,高级工程师,主要从事纺纱与棉花方面的研究。
Analysis on the Influence of Xinjiang Machine-pickedCotton on Fabric Quality
XIONG Wei1,ZHOU Hengshu2,LIU Changwei2,TANG Xingxing2
(1.Xinjiang Good Harvest Agriculture Development Co.,Ltd.,Urumchi 830011,China;2.Textile Clothing College of Hunan Institute of Engineering,Xiangtan 411104,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the quality of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton fabric,the defects of different grades of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton in the production of white fabric,ultra-white fabric,printing fabric,stripe fabric and light and dark fabric are compared.It is pointed out that the main indexes that damage the fabric quality of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton include the plastic foreign fiber,the immature staple fiber rate and the impurity with fiber seed chip.In addition to understanding the control focus of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton,reasonable use of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton should also reduce the defects such as plastic foreign fiber,immature short-fibre rate,impurity bearded mote,soft seed epidermis and stiff spots,as well as select and apply for different grades of cotton quality and requirements of different fabrics.
Key Words:Xinjiang machine-picked cotton;fabric quality;fault;cotton grade;plastic foreign fiber;short fiber content
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[2] 熊文斌,熊伟.减少针织物死棉白星的关键技术与管理[J].纺织器材,2014,41(1):60-65.
[3] 熊伟,张冶.原棉中带纤维籽屑与成纱和布面质量的关系[J].棉纺织技术,2001,29(7):20-22.


上一篇:减少纺Tencel 9.8 tex纱毛羽的措施

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