2022-10-26 08:36:15   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(河北宏润新型面料有限公司,河北 高阳  071500)
中图分类号:TS104          文献标志码:B          文章编号:1001-9634(2022)04-0036-05
Control Measures for Common Occasional Yarn Defects
WANG Hanwei,LI Chunmiao,LIU Qian
(Hebei Hongrun New Fabric Co.,Ltd.,Gaoyang 071500,China)
Abstract:In order to prevent and control the occasional yarn defects and reduce the defect rate,the hazards,causes and prevention measures of the common occasional defects,such as foreign fiber,stripiness,slub defects,flying hairines,big neps,ravelings,belt yarn are analyzed.It is pointed out that we should ensure the purity of cotton and improve the detection rate of foreign fiber to prevent and control foreign fiber;we should ensure the yarn quality and pay attention to adjust the process parameters of knitting machine to prevent and control regular stripiness.To prevent and control regular slub defects,production inspection should be strengthened to prevent sticking,winding,plugging and blocking,and spindle cleaning should be carried out periodically.To prevent and control irregular slub defects,the drafting process should be rationally optimized to ensure that the spinning process and accessories of the same machine and variety are consistent,and control the floating fiber.The prevention and control of flying hairines should be combined with air conditioning and process optimization,and strengthen cleaning and process inspection.The gauge of main carding accessories should be optimized to prevent and control big neps.The clearing function of foreign fiber of automatic winder plays an important role in the prevention and control of foreign fiber,slub defects,flying hairines,ravelings and belt yarn.In order to reduce customers’complaints of occasional yarn defects,textile worker should strengthen the awareness of inspection,and make regular inspection,good analysis,su-mmary and implementation. 
Key Words:occasional yarn defects;foreign fiber;stripiness;slub defects;flying hairines;big neps;ravelings;belt yarn;foreign fiber removal
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相关热词搜索:偶发性疵点 异性纤维

上一篇:舒弹丝9.8 tex环锭纱的纺制

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