竹/涤 50/50 11.8 tex纱的生产
2019-07-16 11:52:39   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了提高竹 涤混纺纱产品质量,介绍竹纤维和细旦涤纶纤维的物理指标及特性,从清花、梳棉、并条、粗纱、细纱工序分析纺竹 涤纤维50 50 11 8 tex纱的主要技术工艺参数;通过两种试纺方案,
贺  梅
(咸阳秦越纺织有限公司,陕西 咸阳  713100)
摘要:为了提高竹/涤混纺纱产品质量,介绍竹纤维和细旦涤纶纤维的物理指标及特性,从清花、梳棉、并条、粗纱、细纱工序分析纺竹/涤纤维50/50 11.8 tex纱的主要技术工艺参数;通过两种试纺方案,对二者混纺的工艺设计、工艺流程、混合方法及梳棉针布的选型进行对比,并对各工序中的技术措施以及生产过程中应注意的问题进行分析。指出:竹/细旦涤纶纤维面料强力高,耐磨性和悬垂性佳,染色性能优良,吸放湿及透气性好,适合加工高档服饰;改品种时要控制好温湿度,方案二对降低竹/涤混纺纱千米棉结效果较为明显,生产中要采取有效措施,确保混纺质量和成纱质量的稳定。
中图分类号:TS103.82      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2019)03-0041-04
作者简介:贺  梅(1975—),女,陕西榆林人,工程师,主要从事棉纺织工艺方面的研究工作。
Production of Yarn of Bamboo/Polyester 50/50 11.8 tex
HE Mei
(Xianyang Qinyue Textile Co.,Ltd.,Xianyang 713100,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the quality of bamboo/polyester blended yarn,the physical indexes and characteristics of bamboo fibers and fine-denier polyester fibers are introduced.The main process parameters of yarn of bamboo/polyester 50/50 11.8 tex are analyzed from the process of cleaning,carding,drawing,roving and spinning.Through trial spinning with two schemes,the process designs,process flows,blending methods and card clothing selection of the two schemes are compared,and the technical measures in each process and the problems in production are analyzed.It is pointed out that the bamboo/fine-denier polyester fabric is of high strength,good wear-resistance and drapability,excellent dyeing performance,good moisture absorption and desorption,and air permeability, and it is suitable for processing high-grade clothing.It is necessary to control humiture when changing varieties.The second scheme has obvious effect on reducing neps-in-kilometer of bamboo/polyester blended yarn.Effective measures should be taken to ensure the stability of in per quality and yarn quality.
Key Words:bamboo/polyester blending;bamboo fiber;fine-denier polyester;neps;card clothing; process configuration;yarn quality
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