2018-11-20 18:51:57   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(浙江鼎丰纺织器材有限公司,浙江 绍兴  312080)
摘要:为了提高纱罗织物的生产效率,降低成本,介绍国内外纱罗织物生产技术现状,分析传统纱罗综开口方式织造纱罗织物效率低,质量差,且纱罗综丝价格高,使用寿命短等问题,通过对生产纱罗织物剑杆织机的开口机构进行改造,以及对绞综筘齿冲切模具、筘齿形状、材料以及组装工艺进行研发,生产出新型加强型绞综筘。指出:加强型绞综筘工艺颠覆传统纱罗织物生产,使用两片特殊结构的绞综筘运动实现引纬和相邻经纱的扭绞完成纱罗织物工艺要求;筘齿硬度不小于500 HV,抗拉强度为1500 MPa~1800 MPa,表面粗糙度Ra值为0.4 μm,300 mm有效筘宽内筘齿平面度公差不大于0.15 mm,绞综筘筘号准确,筘齿排列均匀;能满足高强度纱罗织物经纱张力大、抗耐磨的织造工艺要求,使织机生产速度提高6%,织物质量提高4%,且相对进口产品性价比高,可为纺织企业节约成本、提高效益。
中图分类号:TS103.82+4      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2018)04-0013-03
网络出版时间:2017-08-31 17:51
Research and Development of the ReinforcedLeno Reed for Leno Fabric
YU Jiangfeng,GAO Biyuan,DAN Peixia
(Zhejiang Dingfeng Textile Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Shaoxing 312080,China)
Abstract:To improve the production efficiency and reduce the cost of the leno fabric,introduction is made to the present situation of the production technology of leno fabric both at home and abroad.Considering the problems with conventional leno fabric production with shedding motion such as low efficiency,poor quality of fabric,high price and short service life of leno reed,innovation is done to the shedding motion of rapier loom producing leno fabric plus the research and development of the reed punching die,reed tooth profile,material and assembly process and a new reinforced leno reed has been produced.It is pointed out that the reinforced leno reed technology subverts the conventional production of leno fabric,using two leno reeds of special structure to achieve the technical requirements of weft insertion and twist of warp yarn producing leno fabric.The reed hardness is more than 500 HV,the range of the tensile strength is from 1500 MPa to 1800 MPa,the surface roughness is 0.4 μm,the flatness tolerance of the reed teeth is less than 0.15 mm in the 300 mm effective width of reed.The reed number accurate and the reeds are evenly arranged,meeting the requirements of leno fabric of high strength with high weaving opeartion of high warp tension and wear-resistant,consequently increasing the production by 6%,fabric quality by 4%,and having high cost performance ratio compared with the imported products,and saving cost and improve the efficiency for textile enterprises.
Key Words:leno fabric;shedding motion;warp yarn;weft yarn;reinforced leno reed;twist;reed teeth;loom
[1] 浙江鼎丰纺织器材有限公司.Q/SDF 005—2013,纱罗织物用加强型绞综筘[S].
[2] GB/T 24348.4—2009,纺织机械与附件  筘  第4部分:塑料固化金属丝扎筘的尺寸和标记[S].



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