2013-04-01 09:43:36   来源:   评论:0 点击:

刘  妍,杨建成,李  磊,丛良超,李丹丹,周择旭  
 (天津工业大学 机械电子学院;天津市现代机电装备技术重点实验室,天津  300160)       
中图分类号:TS103.81+1      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2011)03-0001-04
作者简介:刘  妍(1983—),女,河北秦皇岛人,硕士,主要从事新型纺织机械设计及自动化方面的研究。   
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Development of the Spindle Vibration Tester
LIU Yan,YANG Jian-cheng,LI Lei,CONG Liang-chao,LI Dan-dan,ZHOU Ze-xu
(Mechtronic Institute Tianjin Poly-technic University;Key Laboratory of Tianjin Modern Mechtronic Technology,Tianjin 300160,China)
Abstract:A new spindle vibration tester is developed with a modern design based on the comprehensive approach into the vibration factors.The tester has three parts,including mechanics,monitoring and controlling.The mechnanical part has a sensor station with movable system,designing the vibration testing and the testing bench.The testing system is of virtual diagram programmable language LabView for the vibration testing analysis for data collection,processing and analysis,consequently reducing the cost of the tester.The control section is of Yanhua control card testing the revalution of the motor through the LabView pro gramme.The tester is of quick testing,real time display,intuition,thus applicable for vibration testing of cotton,wool and hemp production.
Key Words:spindle;vibration testing;LabView;data collection;signal analysis;control

相关热词搜索:锭子 振动测试 信号分析 控制


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