2017-03-06 15:25:25   来源:   评论:0 点击:


李  倩,亓国红
(恒天重工股份有限公司,河南 郑州  450053)
中图分类号:TS152.8      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)02-0054-04
Probing into How to Select POY Oil Nozzle
LI Qian,QI Guohong
(Hi tech Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450053,China)
AbstractTo solve the problems such as startup broken ends and high offgrade rate of POY package in after process,introduction is made to the function and the way of oiling POY package.Contrast test finds that varieties of POY dpf,nozzle contact angle with the filament and nozzle material are the main factors influencing the effect of oiling,selection of empirical formula of nozzle is given.The causes and control measures against white powder and broken filament in POY package in after process is investigated.It is pointed out that the uniformity of POY oiling must be ensured in production,and nozzle choice should be done by the empirical formula to determine its size with proper material and surface treatment.Nozzle with less friction factor with the filament should be the first consideration,and should adjust its position in contact with the filament,so to reduce spinning tension with less damage of filament and good quality of products.
Key Wordsspinning machine;POY;nozzle;empirical formula;white powder;pill yarn
作者简介:李  倩(1968—),女,河南浚县人,高级工程师,主要从事涤纶长丝机械与工艺研发工作。
网络出版时间:2016-10-08 09:30
[1] 李允成,徐心华.涤纶长丝生产[M].北京:中国纺织出版社,1995.
[2] 郭大生,王文科.聚酯纤维科学与工程[M].北京:中国纺织出版社,2001.
[3] 日本汤浅丝道工业株式会社.Yarn Guide of Yuasa[Z].

相关热词搜索:纺丝机 POY 油嘴

上一篇:减少赛络纺R 9.8 tex纱整经断头的生产实践

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