2016-12-22 09:24:37   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为稳定成纱质量,用好钢领、钢丝圈,以纺CJ 9 7 tex纱为例,通过大量试验对钢丝圈的圈型、镀层和质(重)量号数进行优选,将中弓型蓝宝石(国外)9 0型钢丝圈更换为低弓型镀镍7 0型钢丝圈
杜皓威,胡金玲,王照旭,冯  文
(新疆溢达纺织有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830054)
摘要:为稳定成纱质量,用好钢领、钢丝圈,以纺CJ 9.7 tex纱为例,通过大量试验对钢丝圈的圈型、镀层和质(重)量号数进行优选,将中弓型蓝宝石(国外)9/0型钢丝圈更换为低弓型镀镍7/0型钢丝圈;阐述新钢领、新钢丝圈、纱号翻改时的钢丝圈、纺特细号纱时的钢领等磨合方法;结合钢领、钢丝圈保养方法,使钢丝圈使用寿命延长约4 d,千锭时断头降低约5%,生产效率提高约2%。指出:优选钢丝圈后,可降低钢丝圈总成本约3%,减少更换钢丝圈频次,节省人工,改善车间生产状况,降低工人劳动强度。
中图分类号:TS103.82+2      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)06-0035-04
网络出版时间:2016-08-05 15:16
My Tentative Views on the Use and Maintenance of the Ring and Traveler
DU Haowei,HU Jinling,WANG Zhaoxu,FENG Wen
(Xinjiang Esquel Textile Co.,Ltd.,Urumchi 830054,China)
Abstract:To improve yarn quality,and to make good use of the ring and traveler in sampling spinning of yarn CJ 9.7 tex,a lot of experiments are done to the selected traveler regarding the profile,coatings,and mass.The traveler(imported)with the medium sized circular segment 9/0 is replaced with the nickel coated product of the small sized circular segment 7/0.Some running-in methods are introduced in relation to the new ring and traveler,the traveler in case of changed spinning product,the ring in case of spinning yarn with super fine count.Maintenance of the ring and traveler adds 4 days to the service life of the traveler and reduces 5% of breakage in thousand spindle hour with 2% in case of efficiency.It is pointed out that the overall cost of the traveler reduces about 3%,consequently replacement of the traveler decreased,labor saved,the working environment improved,and labor intensity reduced.
Key Words:ring;traveler;selection;profile;coating;compact spinning;yarn breakage in thousand spindle hour

相关热词搜索:钢领 钢丝


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