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(经纬智能纺织机械有限公司,山西 晋中  030601)
中图分类号:TS103.7+2              文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2024)06-0017-03
Design Scheme Conception of Spinning Frame Joint Robot
LIU Wenjing,DU Lunian,LEI Xingru
(Jingwei Intelligent Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Jinzhong 030601,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency of spinning frame and reduce the labor cost,a new design scheme of spinning frame joint robot is put forward based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of three kinds of spinning frame joint robot technologies.The technical feasibility is demonstrated from the specific functions and key technologies of the walking positioning module,the turning module of the yarn guide,the extubation and head-seeking module,the traveler threading module and the winding joint module,and the economic benefits are measured.It is pointed out that the design scheme of the joint robot of spinning frame adopts the technology of Rieter extubation type head-seeking and joint,and the integrated management of information and data is completed through the docking of single spindle monitoring system and joint robot control system,so that one walking joint robot is equipped with multiple spinning frames.The technology is feasible and has competitive advantage,but it involves many new technologies and high complexity.Cooperative development can be considered to reduce costs and shorten cycles.
Key Words:spinning frame;joint robot;extubation;head-seeking;splicing;single spindle monitoring;bobbin
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相关热词搜索:细纱机 接头机器人 拔管


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