2023-04-11 14:55:35   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为促进我国高产梳棉机的发展和梳理技术提升,介绍梳棉机和高产梳棉机的发展历程;分析高产梳棉机的发展现状与技术创新过程、1 m机幅单位产量及不同纺纱类型单位台时产量变化;阐述因高

(上海市老科学技术工作者协会纺织专业委员会,上海  200031)
摘要:为促进我国高产梳棉机的发展和梳理技术提升,介绍梳棉机和高产梳棉机的发展历程;分析高产梳棉机的发展现状与技术创新过程、1 m机幅单位产量及不同纺纱类型单位台时产量变化;阐述因高产引发的不利于质量掌控和柔性化生产、且与并合工艺原则相抵触等发展面临问题,阐明梳棉机转型发展需突破分梳隔距设置、精度控制等要点,并展望梳理数字化发展方向。指出:继续追求梳棉机超高产量不适合其理性发展,高品质、高效率、高效益及绿色装备应成为梳棉机发展的刚性需求;梳棉机隔距随着机器温度和速度变化将产生动态变化,运用数字技术精确量化,对分梳隔距实施监控、追溯和优化,可构建梳棉机分梳隔距数据平台;梳理数字化是分梳隔距、针布锋利度等梳理要素的数字化,其数据将为实现智能梳理提供基础条件。
中图分类号:TS103.11+2            文献标志码:A             文章编号:1001-9634(2023)02-0001-05
Consideration on the Development Direction of High-yield Carding Machine
LIU Guli
(Shanghai Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians,Branch of
Textile Technology,Shanghai 200031,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the development of Chinese high-yield carding machine and the promotion of carding technology,the development history of carding machine and high-yield carding machine are introduced.The development current situation and technological innovation process,changes of the unit output of 1 m frame width and the unit output of different types of spinning of high-yield carding machine are analyzed.The development problems caused by high-yield,such as not conducive to quality control and flexible production,and conflict with the principle of doubling process,are expounded.The key points of carding gauge setting and precision control should be broken through in the transformation development of carding machine,and the development direction of carding digitalization is prospected.It is pointed out that the pursuit of ultra high-yield of carding machine is not suitable for its rational development.High quality,high efficiency,high-yield and green equipment should be the rigid demand of carding machine development.The gauge of carding machine varies dynamically with the temperature and speed of the machine.The data platform of carding gauge for carding machine can be cons-tructed by using accurate quantify of digital technology to monitor,trace and optimize the carding gauge.Carding digitization is the digitization of carding elements such as carding gauge and card clothing sharpness,and its data will provide basic conditions for the realization of intelligent carding.
Key Words:high-yield carding machine;yield;width;carding gauge;T-Con;digital carding
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相关热词搜索:高产梳棉机 产量 幅宽


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