2022-11-25 15:38:40   来源:   评论:0 点击:


郭  杰1,赵胜男1,2,唐建东1,曹军政1,姚静静1,曹盼盼1
(1.新型环保复合面料湖北省重点实验室,湖北 襄阳  441002;
2.际华集团股份有限公司系统工程中心,北京  100000)
中图分类号:TS190.3          文献标志码:C          文章编号:1001-9634(2022)S1-0060-05
作者简介:郭  杰(1970—),男,湖北襄阳人,经济师,主要从事新型纺织材料市场化调研及市场运作方面的工作。
Applied Research of Cloud Management and Control Technology in Printing and
DyeingWastewater Treatment

GUO Jie1,ZHAO Shengnan1, 2,TANG Jiandong1,CAO Junzheng1
YAO Jingjing1
,CAO Panpan1
  1. Hubei Key Laboratory of New Environment-friendly Composite Fabrics,Xiangyang 441002,China;2.System Engineering Center,Jihua Group Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100000,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the stability and efficiency of the printing and dyeing wastewater treatment,the technological process,difficulties,development status and trends at home and abroad of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment are analyzed.The optimization operation and advantages of intelligent management and control cloud platform aiming at the integration of independent optimization decision-making control and cloud management and control technology in printing and dyeing wastewater treatment process are discussed from the main research contents,research methods,different technical solutions,and innovative points.It is pointed out that cloud platform for intelligent management and control of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment implements technical integration from three aspects:environmental protection processing data perception and integration,knowledge discovery and independent decision-making,and intelligent optimization control,focusing on developing the various intelligent management and control function modules,forming an innovative model of optimized operation and cloud management and control of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment with highly integrated intelligent technology,stable operation,significantly improved safety and economy.Through theintegration of experience and knowledge automation with data and mechanism to drive control work,improve the working environment of wastewater treatment sites,and reduce labor intensity.
Key Words:printing and dyeing wastewater;intelligent management and control;cloud management and control;cloud platform;data perception;environmental protection treatment;technology integration;human-machine cooperation
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