2021-09-26 16:20:25   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(陕西长岭纺织机电科技有限公司,陕西 宝鸡   721013)
摘要:为了解决ZAX系列织机分段式打纬机构打纬轴、平衡块加工精度高、安装难度大,安装后很难保证筘座在同一水平线从而导致织物出现瑕疵等问题,介绍ZAX系列织机分段式打纬机构及新设计的织机通轴打纬机构;通过三维模型结合Pro/E软件,分析对比2种打纬机构的打纬效果和振动效果。结果表明:通轴打纬机构能满足常规品种织物的织造需求;车速为850 r/min时,通轴打纬机构抑振效果优于分段式打纬机构;车速为850 r/min~950 r/min时,2种打纬机构效果等同。
中图分类号:TS103.33          文献标志码:B          文章编号:1001-9634(2021)02-0012-03


Comparison and Analysis of Sectional Beating-up Mechanism and
Shaft Beating-up Mechanism of Air-jet Loom
DONG Shaowei,ZHANG Jianmin,YUAN Wei,LIU Xiaogang(Shaanxi Changling Textile Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.,Baoji 721013,China)

Abstract:In order to solve the problems such as high machining accuracy,difficulty in installation and difficulty in keeping the reed-base at the same level after installation of beating-shaft and counterweight block of sectional beating-up mechanism of ZAX series looms resulting in fabric defects and so on,the beating-shaft mechanism and the newly designed beating-up mechanism of ZAX series looms are introduced.Through 3D model combined with Pro/E software,the beating effect and vibration effects of the two kinds of beating-up mechanism are analyzed and compared.The results show that the shaft beating-up mechanism can meet the weaving requirements of conventional fabrics.When the speed is 850 r/min,the vibration suppression effect of the shaft beating-up mechanism is better than that of the sectional beating-up mechanism.When the speed is 850 r/min~950 r/min,the two beating-weft mechanisms have the same effect.
Key Words:air-jet loom;sectional beating-up;shaft beating-up;Pro/E;beating force;vibration;fabric

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相关热词搜索:喷气织机 分段式打纬


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